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  1. Kvet Forum

    KAGRC Bull Catalogue

    Kenya Animal Genetic Resources Centre - KAGRC Bull Catalogue January 2023 to December 2024
  2. Kvet Forum

    Poultry Nutritional Deficiency

    Curled toe paralysis in chicken is caused by a deficiency of?
  3. Kvet Forum

    Reproductive Medicine

    The zonary type of placenta is found in?
  4. Kvet Forum

    Bird Beaks

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  6. Kvet Forum

    The Sahiwal Breed

    The Sahiwal breed is resilient to ticks, heat and harsh climates. During lactation, it produces milk yields averaging 2200 kg. A one year old bull can fetch up to Sh40,000, twice the value of local breeds. Incase you didn't know, National Research Fund is distributing Sahiwal calves through KALRO.
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  8. Kvet Forum

    2023 Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB) Registers for Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals.

    Pursuant to S.20(1) of the VSVP Act, Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Paraprofessionals can inspect the 2023 registers and report any inaccuracies detected to The Kenya Veterinary Board (KVB). The various 2023 registers are attached below: For enquiries call: 0701 581 718
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  11. Kvet Forum

    Demise of Dr. Muthee Kaunga

    Good morning UASU members. It is with great sadness and utter disbelief that I relay this tragic news. Today, 26th July 2023, Dr Muthee Kaunga, the UASU Faculty Representative in the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVS), succumbed to a long illness bravely borne. Dr Muthee...
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  13. Kvet Forum

    Hoof Health

    This is of importance especially in Dairy production. Did you know after Mastitis, Lameness contributes as a major constraint to milk production ? This farmer informed us that this cow was initially producing 15 litres the production was cut by more than half to 6 litres in a week's time...
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