Kvet Forum
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Neutering removes the sexual urge for both male and female animals and prevents the production of unwanted offspring. It is carried out surgically. For females, removal of the uterus and both ovaries is done; and for the male, removal of the testicles. These procedures are irreversible.
Temporary or semi-permanent control of reproduction can be achieved through the use of certain drugs.
Advantages of neutering
If breeding is not intended, neutering has undoubted advantages in both the male and female.
Male Animals
- Removes sexual behaviour (for example, if a neutered dog gets the scent of a bitch in oestrus, he is unlikely to show any interest).
- Minimizes male characteristics such as dominance (though additional training may also be required) and aggression because testosterone levels are reduced.
- No straying, looking for a mate.
- Reduces risks of prostatic disease, perineal hernia, perineal adenoma.
- Prevents testicular disease.
Female Animals
- Prevents oestrus as well as breeding; therefore prevents oestrus-related behavioural problems.
- Female will not come into heat, therefore will not have to be confined and deprived of the usual exercise and companionship regime.
- Prevents unwanted puppies/kittens.
- Prevents phantom pregnancies.
- Reduces cats calling (can be irritating to owner).
- Reduces risks of uterine diseases, uterine and ovarian tumours, pyometra.
- Reduces risks of mammary disease; prevents mammary tumours, if carried out before the first season.
Disadvantages of neutering
It is a common fallacy that neutered animals will become overweight and lazy following neutering. Neutering does reduce metabolic rate and neutered pets will need less food, which means that dietary choice plays an important role. Owners need to ensure that the animal is fed a suitable diet for its size and amount of exercise.
Another common question from owners is whether the pet will lose its character. Neutering is sometimes performed to help to control certain behavioral abnormalities and often dogs will become more gentle, but they will not lose their temperament or character.
As there are many more advantages than disadvantages, neutering is usually recommended by most veterinary practices.
When to neuter
Dogs and cats are usually neutered at between 5 and 12 months of age. However, the actual age that neutering is recommended will be determined by individual practice policy.