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The Kenya Stud Book

Kvet Forum

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This is a book which contains all the proven animals, their parentage and how one can acquire them. For registered pedigree grade cattle, its best to consult the KSB.
When trading in breeding cattle, it is often found that registration with the Kenya stud book, will more than double the price of your animals. Buyers want to know the history of their breeding stock and how to choose the mates without resorting accidentally to inbreeding through AI, and they are willing to pay for this service. The Kenya stud book personnel will also give advice on good breeding strategies suited to your situation.
Here is an extract from the Kenya stud book website.

Functions of Kenya Stud Book
  • Registering and issuing of certificates for both pedigree and grade livestock.
  • Setting the grading-up scheme.
  • Setting up the registration rules in liaison with the respective Breed societies.
  • Producing annually volumes for registered pedigree and grade livestock.
  • Promotion of proper animal identification.

Benefits of Livestock Registration
  • Keeping animals with proper Ancestry and identification records
  • Adding value to your stock since registered stock fetch better prices.
  • By consistently following the up-grading scheme the farmer is assured of owning a proved stock after each successive generation. Hence one can also easily own pedigree stock without necessarily having to spend a fortune buying the same.
  • Affords the farmer a chance to contribute in the National Breeding program through the contract mating program which requires that the Bull dam be registered with the KSB.
  • There are also many opportunities for the registered stock to participate in competitions such as ASK shows and breeders shows. Prizes are offered in these events and they also offer a perfect opportunity for the farmer to market his/her stock. Most of these events require that the show animals be registered as a condition.
  • Registration records are also an important National assets for the management of animal genetic resources and biodiversity conservation.

Functions of the Dairy Recording Service of Kenya
  • Recording officially and accurately the quantity (kgs) and quality (Butterfat) of milk produced by each cow in every recorded herd.
  • To produce lactation certificates for the registered herds.
  • Calculating herd average certificates and life time production for the recorded herds and issuance of the appropriate certificates.
  • To avail the production data to the Livestock Recording Centre which is responsible for progeny testing and to the Bull Purchasing Committee for the Contract Mating Program.
  • Extension services offered to the Registered and New farmers and sound advise on Livestock management and proper record keeping at the farm level.