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  1. Kvet Forum

    Energy Feeds

    Energy is the fuel that keeps all body functions working. Milk production requires a lot of energy. If energy in the ration is not enough, the animal will lose body condition and for milking cows, milk yield will drop, pregnant cows become ill after calving and the calf will usually be small in...
  2. Kvet Forum

    Animal Nutrition and Feed Rations

    Inadequate nutrition is a major cause of low live-weight gains, infertility and low milk yields and other health issues in animals. The following will explain the principles of animal nutrition and some examples of how to make home feed rations based on the types of feed available in major agro...
  3. Kvet Forum

    Energy and Protein Deficiency

    Introduction Animals require energy and proteins for different body functions. Energy is required for maintenance (to maintain the body, respiration and digestion), production (growth, milk and workforce) and reproduction (pregnancy). An animal derives energy from dietary carbohydrates. Proteins...