Kvet Forum
Well-known member
The following methods are used in breeding:
- Natural mating (proven and healthy bulls where A.I. is not available)
- Artificial insemination (A. I.)
- Multiple ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) (Not approved for Organic certified herds): is the process of taking embryos (fertilized ova) from a super ovulated dam (the donor) and transferring them to a surrogate dam (the recipient). This method was developed in the 1970's and 80's, and later modified for small ruminants, to increase the number of offspring from animals with characteristics which humans want to have in the herd. It also have some severe side effects like hormonal disturbances and that it pushes the breeding towards building on a few characteristics without considering a broad spectrum of characteristics which may be lost. It is a method which implies use of hormones in a very artificial way and therefore not relevant in herds which farm to the organic principles.
Selection of Breeding Stock
Selection of breeding animals is based on:- Pedigree or parentage information
- Performance records (Estimated breeding values and phenotype)
- Cost of semen from proven bulls
- Available bulls in the area