Kvet Forum
Well-known member
This does not seem to be a hard question to answer. But then, a cat uses purring to pass on a message to humans, other cats, and other animals. If a cat purrs a lot, we say he is very vocal, along with meowing, hissing, growling, etc. But there are many reasons to why do cats purr and we will discuss them here.
How can you tell what kind of message is your cat trying to pass through when she purrs? Obviously, you will not get that info from them. But scientists have studied this cat behavior and the answers they got (not straight from the cat, evidently) might help you make a little guess as to what is your cat telling you when he purrs.
When they are happy
Why do cats purr when they are happy? This is their way of saying they are at their happy place. Now, to confirm that she is actually happy and not nervous, there are other signs. If she is on her back, with her eyes half-closed, and the tail is not moving, then you can safely assume that she is comfortable and smiling.She is probably also smiling at the fact that, unlike you, she does not have to go to work every day and come home to a messy home. Ok, maybe not, she loves you, but who knows. Cats are not really famous for being too nice.