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Ruptured Penis

Kvet Forum

Well-known member

Haematoma formation, with swelling at the base of the sheath anterior to the scrotum, due to rupture of the tunica albuginea.

Ruptured penis is a sporadic problem in stock bulls. It normally occurs during the mating period.


Rupture of the tunica albuginea commonly occurs around the dorsal aspect of the sigmoid flexure, leading to haematoma formation. This may be caused by sudden movement of the cow during intromission or when young bulls are mounting each other.

Clinical Presentation

The condition presents as a sudden onset of cessation of service activity, with a variably sized painful swelling at the base of the sheath anterior to the scrotum. The prepuce and/or tip of penis may be prolapsed.


Diagnosis is based on palpation of a painful firm swelling in the area of the sigmoid flexure of the penis. Ultrasonography will confirm a diagnosis of haematoma. Chronic cases may have progressed to abscess formation.


In acute cases, surgery to drain very large haematomas can be attempted within seven days of occurrence. In more chronic cases or with smaller haematomas, medical treatment is more common and should include: hydrotherapy, systemic antibiotics and at least two months of sexual rest. Complications are common and include: recurrence of rupture, abscessation with adhesion formation, and development of venous shunts.