Kvet Forum
Well-known member
Vent pasting is as a result of so many factors as discussed below.
1. Water availability in the brooder:
Chickens that are unable to have easy access to water when they have eaten will get a pasted vent.
It simply means the feed will not be easily digested, so in the same way the bird will find a challenge in passing out the firm/dry droppings.
Farmers should provide enough drinkers in the house, and the height of the drinkers should be easily accessed by the chicks.
2. Drinker placement:
When you put drinkers close to heat, chicks will neglect the water! Which leads to constipation and pasted vent. So water should always be put a distance away from the heaters!
3. Feed texture:
If you are giving chicks self mixed feed, it should be of very fine texture (almost like flour) for easy digestion. If they are given feed containing large particles, the chicks will find it challenging to digest and pass it out.
Pelleted feed and crumbles however are highly digestible and will not cause you any challenges.
4. Temperature regulation:
Farmers should always follow the temperature regulation guide when brooding. Putting too much heat in the brooder causes dehydration, vent pasting, panting and increased mortalities.
If you do not know how to use behavioral changes of the chicks to regulate temperature then a thermometer in the brooder is a must.
5. Escherichia coli infections:
One of the most disturbing diseases in the first week of a chick's life is E.coli. It can cause: increased mortalities in the first few days, inability of birds to stand or walk (usually starts on day 2), birds just resting on their chests helpless! mucus from the eyes, at times a diarrhea, and PASTING OF THE VENT.
Farmers should therefore select good quality chicks from good breeders, stop receiving chicks without proper disinfection, and clean and disinfect all equipments even if they are new!