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Energy and Protein Deficiency

Kvet Forum

Well-known member


Animals require energy and proteins for different body functions. Energy is required for maintenance (to maintain the body, respiration and digestion), production (growth, milk and workforce) and reproduction (pregnancy). An animal derives energy from dietary carbohydrates. Proteins are required for formation of body tissue. Proteins can be derived from feed and are formed by intestinal flora.

Adequate suppy of both energy and protein is essential for the general health of any animal. The requirement of both energy and protein by any animal depends on the bodyweight of the animal and the the degree of production expected from the animal. Prolonged deficiency of both proteins and energy would result in loss of condition and in ability to be productive.

Malnutrition if prolonged eventually leads to death. Malnutrition caused by lack of energy and proteins may occur anywhere in the world but is more prevalent in the tropics. Animal feeds vary in their levels of energy and proteins. Straws such as rice straw and wheat straw are poor sources of both proteins and energy whereas concentrates like dairy meal may be rich in both.

In the tropics, good quality pastures may provide adequate protein and energy for maintenance and production. However in situations of drought or overgrazing, animals are liable to receive inadequate energy or proteins from pastures.

Signs of Energy and Protein Deficiency

Energy Deficiency

Deficiency of energy is the most common nutrient deficiency which limits the performance of grazing animals. Feed may be inadequate due to overgrazing, drought, poor quality or digestibility or expense. Sometime forage may contain an excess of water, limiting energy intake.

Energy deficiencies result in:
  • Retarded growth in young animals and a delay in the onset of puberty.
  • A shortened lactation in milking animals and decline in milk production.
  • In mature animals, a marked loss of bodyweight, especially during late pregnancy and early lactation.
  • Prolonged periods of anoestrus, lasting several months, which have marked effect on the reproductive performance of a breeding herd.
  • Calves and lambs may be born weak and undersized.

Protein Deficiency

Protein deficiencies usually accompany energy deficiencies. They are not usually as severe and take the form of:

  • Reduced appetite in young animals.
  • Lowered feed intake.
  • Lack of muscle development.
  • A prolonged time to reach maturity.
  • In mature animals there is loss of weight and decreased milk production.

Prevention - Control - Treatment

Treatment and prevention of malnutrition is beyond the reach of most farmers. Diseases that worsen the effects of malnutrition can be alleviated by appropriate treatment e.g. deworming. Severely malnourished animals usually do not survive even when food again becomes available, so if a drought is expected or feed sources otherwise too few, it is wisest to sell/slaughter the weaker animals before the condition goes down too much.

Malnourished animals should not be forced to be productive e.g. by putting them to work. This will only worsen the condition.