Kvet Forum
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Rumen acidosis is a fast killing disease in ruminants that is caused by overeating with grains or ground feed.In English, acidosis of the rumen is also called lactic acidosis, carbohydrate engorgement or rumen impaction.
When cattle, goats or sheep accidentally gain access to large amounts of grain or concentrate feed and eat too much of it the rumen contents turn acid, which can rapidly kill the animals.Signs and Symptoms
After eating ground feed first signs appear faster than after ingestion of whole grain.Visible signs appear more or less in the following order:
- Bloat
- Pain and kicking against the belly
- (Sometimes animals that have eaten a lot of grain start drinking a lot of water)
- No more feeding or ruminating at all, no rumen contractions
- Staggering or not moving
- Lying down and unable to rise, completely dull
- Shallow rapid breathing
- High temperature up to 41degC (esp. on a hot day)
- Diarrhoea, liquid, sour smelling often with undigested grain visible
The most important is to react promptly when detecting a suddenly severely diseased animal and suspecting overeating with grain. Immediately confirm whether animals on the farm have had uncontrolled access to and eaten large amounts of grain or ground feed.Treatment
Animals with milder acidosis and that are still able to stand and walk should be given magnesium hydroxide (400-500gr/cow, 4-5gr/goat) in warm water through the mouth (or by stomach tube). After giving the solution, massage the flank to mix the magnesium hydroxide with the rumen contents. If a vet is quickly available he can administer a 5% sodium bicarbonate solution and electrolytes intravenously. - In animals that show signs of recovery give only good quality hay and no grain at all for 3-4 days.Severely affected animals may die any moment and should be slaughtered to salvage the meat.
Most animals that relapse after showing temporary improvement also die.