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Milk Breeds - Jersey breed

Kvet Forum

Well-known member
Despite considerable research, nothing definite is known as to the actual origin of the cattle first brought to Jersey Island. Most research agrees that the Jersey probably originated from the adjacent coast of France, where in Normaaling Jerseys are found.
Purpose: Milk production.
Average yield: 22 litres/day and 6.3% butter fat.
Average body size: Small - medium (350 Kg)


1. Jerseys in Kenya are typically light brown in colour, though this can range from being almost grey to dull black. They can also have white patches which may cover much of the animal. A true Jersey will however always have a black nose bordered by an almost white muzzle.
2. They have protruding eyes.
3. This breed is well known for milk with high quality - it is particularly richer in fat, protein, minerals and trace elements than those from the larger dairy breeds. The milk is also rich in colour which is naturally produced from carotene.
4. Milk production potential is moderate (20 lts/day), depending on feeding and management regime.

1. Feed requirements is relatively low (65-85 kg fresh forage/day i.e. 2 gunny bags).
2. Milk has high butter fat content 5.2%.
3. It is hardy and adaptable to varied AEZs.
4. The Jersey's hard black feet are much less prone to lameness.
5. They perform well under a wide range of systems and are well-known for their high feed conversion efficiency.
6. Jerseys generally produce milk components at a lower cost compared to the other major breeds.
7. They stay in the herd longer than any other dairy breed. Her milk has greater nutritional value, plus the highest yield and greater efficiency when processed into cheese and other value-added products.
8. The breed has little or no calving problems, greater fertility, a shorter calving interval, and earlier maturity.
9. Also suitable for cross breeding/ improving local breeds.

1. Susceptible to milk fever and tick borne diseases

A few contacts/farms where Jersey can be found in Kenya are:
1. OlEndeti (Grammaticas) Nairobi, Tel-2067686
2. Ololua Farm (Carol Rees) PO Box 21007 Nairobi, Tel-891015
3. Ontulele (Biddy Davis) Nairobi Tel-891518)
4. Ol Donyo (Tara Llewelyn) PO Box 111 Nanyuki
5. Rawhide (Janet Mills) Nakuru 051-343005
6. ADC Sabwani Complex, PO Box 680 Kitale