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Milk Breeds - Guernsey Breed

Kvet Forum

Well-known member
The Guernsey originated on the small Isle of Guernsey, situated in the English Channel just off the coast of France. There is no concrete evidence as to the development of the Guernsey before the 19th Century but there may be some truth in the theory that the Isigny cattle of Normandy and the Froment du Leon breed from Brittany were ancestral relatives of the modern Guernsey.


Purpose: Milk production. Heifers generally come into milk at about two years of age.
Potential yield: 25 litres/day and 4.3% butter fat.
Average body size: Medium (average live-weight 475 kg).
The bull weighs 600 to 700 kg. The average weaning weight of heifers and bull calves is 75 kg.

1. The colour of the Guernsey varies from yellow to reddish-brown with white patches.
2. They have a finely tuned temperament, not nervous or irritable.
3. Physically the breed has good dairy conformation and presents the visual impression of a plain animal bred for utility rather than good looks.
4. They have an attractive carriage with a graceful walk, a strong back, broad loin, wide rump and deep barrel, strong, attached udder extending well forward, with the quarters evenly balanced and symmetrical.
5. The Guernsey bull has an attractive individuality, revealing ample vigour and masculinity. It has smooth-blending shoulders showing good refinement, strength and even contour.


1. High milk production potential (25 lts/day) with moderate butter fat content 4.3%.
2. Feed requirements: Moderate (65-85 kg fresh forage/day i.e. 2 gunny bags)
3. Guernsey are efficient converters of feed to product, being of intermediate size, Guernsey produce their high quality milk while consuming 20 to 30 percent less feed per pound of milk produced than larger dairy breeds.
4. Guernsey reach reproductive maturity at an early age and can calve at 22 months of age. This provides an early return on investment.
5. Guernsey produce calves big at birth, which are easy to rear.
6. Guernsey are well known for having the minimum of calving complications.
7. Guernsey are adaptable to all climates and management systems and lack any known undesirable genetic recessives.
8. Her fawn and white coat enhances her heat tolerance and reduces heat stress, which adds to her ability to maintain production levels anywhere.
9. They are docile and have an ideal Dairy Temperament.

1. Need plenty of clean water (40 lts/day)

Farms keeping Guernsey in Kenya (options):
1. Egerton University, PO Box 356, Njoro
2. ADC Lanet Farm PO B0x 1124-20100 Nakuru
3. ADC Olngatongo PO Box 680-30200 Kitale
4. Gicheha Farm, PO Box 236 Ruiru